I don’t know about you, but March just flew by! I am so ready for spring and baseball and softball and sunshine. Sunshine most of all…these past couple of weeks have been rough.
Photography is all about the light…literally. The word “photography” means “light drawing”. There are three things that make a great photograph: light, composition, and moment. As a documentary photographer, I’m drawn to moments first of all, but I love light. The lack of light has really been hard on my motivation to take great photos! I knew I probably couldn’t manage a full big-camera day in the life (especially after completing a week in the life for a client recently), so I grabbed my phone and did an entire day in the life with just my phone.
7:28 am // Does anyone else have to remind their kids 20 times to get their shoes on before the bus comes?
7:55 am // The bus finally came 20 minutes late (so we had plenty of time to get shoes on) and the kids were getting really restless. Turns out that the bus had broke down so they had to get a new one.
9:07 am // I am so thankful for a day at home to catch up on the housework that I’ve been neglecting lately. Although, I may have to set that aside so I can play princess with my girl who didn’t have school today!
{Also, this image got featured on the Instagram account Sham of the Perfect. Of course, my first documentary image that is featured is one of my messy kitchen! Ha.}
9:42 am // I love how she can play with little animals or dolls for hours. She makes up stories and acts out scenes (often related to real life events, so it’s awesome to see things through her eyes). Today it’s Lego dragons and princesses.
10:42 am // She loves doing kid exercises on the Roku. I should join her, but I actually vacuumed for the first time in weeks instead.
11:51 am // Even at 4 years old, she is always underfoot, especially when I’m in the kitchen.
12:02 pm // As soon as Daddy gets home for lunch, she asks him to play with her. And he can’t say no.
12:11 pm // Curtis’ favorite lunch: Jimmy Johns and a Dr. Pepper.
1:43 pm // She loves playing with my Kirsten doll. I do have to stop what I’m doing every 5 seconds to put new clothes on Kirsten, though.
2:26 pm // My “me-time” every afternoon is often spent in front of the computer. Today I’m working on culling and editing 1600 photos from a recent Week in the Life session. And yes, my desk is as messy as my kitchen.
3:09 pm // Just can’t wait for those cookies to be done!
4:35 pm // The big kids are home from school and they grab a snack and immediately run to play their Kindles. The only one not fine with this is the youngest…all she wants is someone to play with her.
5:33 pm // Remember that stack of dishes in the sink this morning? Yeah, I’m just now getting to them.
6:19 pm // Our typical after-supper scene: the older two reading and the youngest running around crazy.
7:17 pm // Bath time. Which means almost bedtime.