Meet my niece, Whitney! She was born at the end of January and it is so fun to have a baby in the family again! This makes 8 cousins: 3 boys and 5 girls. My kids aren’t super interested in babies, but they really like hanging out with their 2-year-old cousin now that she can run around with them and say funny things and attempt to do everything everyone else is doing!
It was really hard to schedule Whitney’s newborn session; February was the height of influenza and stomach bugs and Laura didn’t want to expose her to anything (I don’t blame her!). I felt crappy for much of February, so just to be cautious I stayed away! Finally, when Whitney was a month old, we were able to do her newborn photos. She had no intentions of sleeping since it was just way too fun to be around everyone!
While editing, I couldn’t help but see her older sister in her. It amazes me how babies can look so much like their siblings, yet so different. Along those same lines, when Curtis met one of my second cousins on my dad’s side for the first time (Angie), he was surprised at how much we looked alike. Then, he met my second cousin on my mom’s side (Bekah) and he was surprised at how much we looked alike! It is kind of crazy how that can work!
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Studio newborn sessions are $275 and include a downloadable online gallery + print release. To add on a family session add just $75!