Almost two years later, The Documentary Approach class though Clickin Moms continues to be my favorite class ever. This year, I’m teaming up with other alumni for a project called Around Our Clocks. Each month, we take a photo during a certain hour (this month it’s noon) and the twist this year is that we […]
So…it’s been over 6 months since I last did a day in the life of my own family. My goal was to do it every month…ooops. I wasn’t sure if I’d actually do this one – I haven’t been feeling very inspired lately and I feel like I always take the same photos over and […]
This week’s Legacy Project post is all about my roots: how did my parents meet? How about my grandparents? I chatted with my mom and dad about how the early years of their relationship and what they knew about my grandparents’ early years. I didn’t even want to try to explain this project to […]
About a year ago, I decided to go through all my old childhood photos and make a scrapbook with them. I hate that they just sit in boxes and will probably continue to sit in boxes until the end of time. My kids don’t seem to have much interest in my life before them, but […]
Our family spends most of May and June at a ball diamond somewhere. My husband and I are on the Recreation Committee for our small town, which means helping with concessions and sometimes cleaning or setting up fields. This year, we have all three kids in ball – tee ball, softball, and baseball. Tee ball […]
I don’t know about you, but March just flew by! I am so ready for spring and baseball and softball and sunshine. Sunshine most of all…these past couple of weeks have been rough. Photography is all about the light…literally. The word “photography” means “light drawing”. There are three things that make a great photograph: […]
A goal of mine this year is to do a Day in the Life of my own family every month. I almost forgot this month though! I’m thankful for my fellow Documentary Approach alumni who challenged everyone to complete a DITL this past week. I stuck to my simple is better approach and took […]