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Since 1956, Heartland Community School (formerly Henderson) has hosted a band fundraiser called Smorgasbord. It’s the only fundraiser for band each year and helps to pay for new uniforms, travel, and so on. Smorgasbord is defined as a buffet of a wide variety of foods…in Henderson, that means German food (and all the calories that […]

Smorgasbord | Henderson, Nebraska

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10 a.m. This was a tough one for me to figure out what I wanted to share! My 10:00 hour is so varied depending on preschool schedules, Bible study, moms groups, etc.  This was taken on a day in late February when my middle daughter was home sick from school. Our electricity was also out for […]

February Around Our Clocks

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On Monday, I hung out with Luke and Joanne and the kids as they prepared and ate supper. I was super impressed that Luke often helps out with preparing supper – my husband’s idea of preparing supper is going through the buffet line at the Chinese restaurant! 🙂  Joanne made the most amazing bread to […]

Week in the Life Day 5 | Haidle {Nebraska Family Photographer}

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Because we live in Nebraska and the weather is unpredictable, we ended up postponing our Saturday session to Sunday and doing two sessions on Tuesday instead. Joanne really wanted some outdoor photos (they love doing outdoor things as a family!) but the weather just wasn’t cooperating – no one wants to be outside when its […]

Week in the Life Day 4 | Haidle {Nebraska Family Photographer}

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Ask any parent what their bedtime routine is like and they will likely say “crazy!”. With more than one kid, it’s lots of back and forth and basically just making sure that everyone is on track to get to bed on time! I joined the Haidle family for the end of bath time through getting […]

Week in the Life Day 3 | Haidle {Nebraska Documentary Photographer}

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On day 2, I was at the Haidle’s house right after school so that I could photograph their after-school routine.  I imagine that most moms can relate to these photos: Legos, snacks, homework, changing clothes, and a bit of frustration. I know that this is often how our afternoon goes! I was impressed that Joanne […]

Week in the Life Day 2 | Haidle {Nebraska Documentary Photographer}

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Last month, I took on my biggest client project yet: a Week in the Life of a family.  I do photography projects like that all the time with my own family, but I wasn’t quite sure how it would look to follow another family around for that long of a time period.  We settled on […]

Week in the Life Day 1 | Haidle {Nebraska Documentary Photographer}

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I don’t know about you, but March just flew by!  I am so ready for spring and baseball and softball and sunshine.  Sunshine most of all…these past couple of weeks have been rough.   Photography is all about the light…literally.  The word “photography” means “light drawing”.  There are three things that make a great photograph: […]

March Day in the Life | iPhone {Nebraska Documentary Photographer}

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A goal of mine this year is to do a Day in the Life of my own family every month. I almost forgot this month though!  I’m thankful for my fellow Documentary Approach alumni who challenged everyone to complete a DITL this past week.   I stuck to my simple is better approach and took […]

February Day in the Life {Nebraska Photographer}